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Série noire au Crédit Lyonnais
Jean-Michel Meurice
1999 - 429 min - DV numérique - Couleur - France

For the first time, the finance ministers, the chairmen and general managers of the Crédits Lyonnais, the top-ranking civil servants and the businessmen, all the players and direct witnesses talk about one of the biggest disasters in finance history. The complete, unadulterated truth about daily life in the "Republic of Business".
A documentary series in 6 parts :
1 – A Scam in Hollywood (62 min)
2 – Holes in the Concrete (78 min)
3 – Young Wolves and Old Tigers (60 min)
4 – Running Scared (64 min)
5 – Called to Account (96 min)
6 – Every Man for Himself (69 min).

Author-Director : Jean-Michel Meurice
Author : Fabrizio Calvi
Delegate Producer : MK2 TV
Broadcasting Co-producer : La Sept ARTE


Distributor : MK2 TV