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Qui veut manger des super-héros ?
Claudia Marschal
2015 - 26 min - HD - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - France

In our daily lives, living secretively amongst us there are heroes, heroes who were born with extraordinary powers. They are not your ordinary super-heroes. They are everywhere, doing a dangerous and sometimes hazardous job. Super-Carrot, Jean-Louis the Pea, Agent Broc and their associates will stop at nothing to fight the evil forces eating up the planet. Each one of them has been sent on mission by me, I.U. - Identity Unknown. I am also a superhero.
But, for the security and defence of mankind, it is of paramount importance that I remain unidentified.

Author-Director : Claudia Marschal
Author : Ian Simpson
Photography : Claudia Marschal
Editing : Fred Piet, Dora Soltani, Raphaëlle Girard
Original Music : Matthew Bourne, Sam Hobbs
Delegate Producer : Un film à la patte
Co-producer : SL2P
Broadcasting Co-producer : ARTE GEIE
Contribution : Région Alsace, Communauté urbaine de Strasbourg (CUS), Ministère de l'Agriculture, de l'Agroalimentaire et de la Forêt


Distributor : Un film à la patte