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Petits et Grands Bonheurs
Maryse Bergonzat
2000 - 61 min - Betacam SP - Couleur - France

Today happiness is a reasonable objective, something to build. It has to be admitted : Frenchmen (and women) have left a culture that was centred on "negotiation" with unhappiness (the old Catholic basis) and embraced another culture, mostly turned towards well-being and the quest for happiness.
The film recounts the thoughts and questions that this adventure raises. How do people organise themselves to be happy ? How do they stay happy ? Where does happiness come from exactly ? What differentiates it from pleasure ? In France what makes people happy ? What does this new thing that everyone wants to have today although they sometimes have difficulty outlining it, look like ?

Author-Director : Maryse Bergonzat
Delegate Producer : SZ productions
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 2
Contribution : CNC, Procirep


Distributor : SZ productions
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