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Nous, enfants d'homos
Stéphanie Kaïm, Franck Guérin
2004 - 50 min - Digital vidéo - Couleur - France

This takes place in San Francisco, where 25% of the population is homosexual, which represents the most important gay community in the world. In this city, homosexual parenthood is no longer on a trial period. Here, children of gay and lesbian parents are no longer exceptional or isolated cases: from this point of view, this part of California has years of advance on Europe. It begins with lesbian mothers. They are the real pioneers of homosexual parenthood and represent the great majority of homosexual parents. Who are their children and how did they grow up? What has become of them at the age when they can become parents themselves? Can we really be satisfied with those who say that children of homosexual couples are simply like any other children? Is it so dangerous to tackle the issue of difference?
The bias of this film is to give the floor to these young adults raised by homosexuals. So there is an entire generation of daughters and sons of lesbians who tell their stories openly, frankly and often with a lot of humour. Without faking, they answer to crucial questions. Do you really feel like any other child or teenager when you’ve grown up in the middle of the gay community? What’s your conception of men when you grow up in the 70s/80s in an environment of lesbian hippies and feminists? Not to mention expertise and prejudice, children of homosexual parents bear, like others but maybe more than other children, the mark of a particular destiny.

Author-Director : Stéphanie Kaïm, Franck Guérin
Delegate Producer : Doc en stock
Broadcasting Co-producer : ARTE France
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : Pink TV
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Doc en stock
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