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Marrakech Série-Collection : Voyages, voyages

Evelyne Ragot
2000 - 43 min - France

"Each of my journeys to Morocco is a test in liberty and solitude. Even though the country is familiar to me, it still refuses me all familiarity. Here, exoticism is the confrontation with an other never subdued, in an irreducible difference."
Évelyne Ragot searched for signs of the new Morocco, since the arrival of Mohammed VI to power. Doubtlessly, time will be needed for the country to change and offer up a new image. Marrakech, the Red City, remains the same for the filmmaker : mysterious, secretive, fascinating.

Author-Director : Evelyne Ragot
Delegate Producer : Les Films d'ici
Broadcasting Co-producer : La Sept ARTE


Distributor : Les Films d'ici
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