Les États au pied du mur
Jon Kalina
2009 - 52 min - Vidéo HD - Couleur - Canada

For the greater part of the history of humanity, outer walls had a military purpose. They were designed as protection against enemy invasions. But in modern times, walls and high security barriers are put up against much less powerful enemies. The first modern wall, the Berlin Wall, was built to protect the Easter Bloc against Western influence. When it fell in 1989, all barriers seemed to fall, but that was far from the truth. In many parts of the world, walls are built or kept up, sometimes in quite surprising ways.

Author-Director : Jon Kalina
Photography : German Gutierrez
Sound : Dominique Chartrand
Editing : Annie Ilkow, Benjamin Duffield
Delegate Producer : Entreprise de Création Panacom


Distributor : Entreprise de Création Panacom


2010 - FIPA (Festival international de programmes audiovisuels), Biarritz (France) : Sélection Documentaires de création et essais