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Les Enfants de l'or rouge Série-Collection : Les Lendemains de la dévaluation

Vincent Leclercq
1994 - 26 min - Betacam - Couleur - France

For the last twenty years or so the Ivory Coast has been the world leader in the production and exporting of cocoa, a product that ensures undeniable prosperity for the country. But in the late 80's the collapse of world prices sent tremors through the whole country.
Today, money is again circulating in the Ivory Coast countryside following the recovery of the world price and the devaluation of the Franc CFA, but the future is still not guaranteed.

Author-Director : Vincent Leclercq
Delegate Producer : Periscoop multimedia
Broadcasting Co-producer : CFI (Canal France international)
Contribution : Ministère de la Coopération et du Développement


Distributor : Christophe Naigeon
Circulation-Consultation : Institut français. Département Cinéma (Cinémathèque Afrique)
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