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Clear Years
Frédéric Guillaume
2015 - 75 min - 16 mm & Super 8 & HD - Couleur - Belgique

I wasn’t told. I wasn’t told it would be so difficult to live together. To keep a family together. To maintain love and happiness. I wasn’t told, and if someone had told me I wouldn’t have listened. I chose to live with my camera in my hand, filming the trajectory of feelings, from the golden age to the lost paradise, from being born to being reborn.
Shot during nine years, this movie tries to tell the pregnancy of a father, the quest of happiness and the mystery of love.

Author-Director : Frédéric Guillaume
Photography : Frédéric Guillaume, Claire Pierrard, Benoit Reynaert
Sound : Maxime Coton
Editing : Frédéric Guillaume, Frédéric Dupont, Gaëlle Hardy
Original Music : Cédric Castus, Matthieu Ha, Manuel Roland
Delegate Producer : Images d'à côté
Co-producer : Wrong Men
Broadcasting Co-producer : RTBF Bruxelles


Distributor : Images d'à côté
Distributor : Rise And Shine World Sales


2015 - IDFA - International Documentary Festival Amsterdam, Amsterdam (Pays-Bas) : Sélection