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Mémoire est-elle soluble dans l'eau ?
Charles Najman
1996 - 95 min - 35 mm - France

Summer 1995. Fifty years after the liberation of the concentration camps, Solange Najman goes to Evian with other former deported victims for a thermal course of treatment paid for by the German government.
Half fiction, half documentary, half comedy, half tragedy, Charles Najman's film tells of life after Auschwitz in the surrealist atmosphere of a thermal spa.

Author-Director : Charles Najman
Delegate Producer : SEM
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Emmanuelle Honorin Najman
Disponible au Club du doc


1996 - Images en bibliothèques, Paris (France) : Film soutenu par la Commission nationale de sélection des médiathèques