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L'Appel de l'Ouest
Tafari Tsigé-Vidalie
2004 - 58 min - Beta numérique - Couleur - France

The Far West is a part of the American history which fascinates many French people. Real or imaginary, it is for many, synonymous with magic and mystery. For seven French people, the dream has become reality.
They all have one thing in common: they have left France, their country of birth, out of a sense of adventure, or to pursue a dream, an ambition, a passion or love.
"Call to the West" is a road-movie documentary. You will find yourself in the heart of the Far West through the story of these men and women who left their country and their family, certain that the key to their future was in the American past.

Author-Director : Tafari Tsigé-Vidalie
Author : Claire David-Tartane
Delegate Producer : Bleu-Claire productions
Broadcasting Pre-purchase : Images Plus
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : Bleu-Claire productions
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