Impressions Morisot
Monique Quintart
2016 - 52 min - HD - Couleur et Noir & blanc - Belgique

"This film is built up on the stages of my spatial and temporal journey in a quest for the works and personality of Berthe Morisot (1841 – 1895). For a long time the only woman in the group of impressionists, Berthe Morisot was their centre and bond.
Author of an innovating and strong art, she had to invent her own way through a period when women were not admitted to the "Ecole des Beaux-Arts" and she managed to be accepted as a peer to Renoir, Monet, Degas, … I followed her footsteps in the discovery of her paintings and graphic work, her writings and the landscapes and houses where she lived and worked – all of which needed elements for a portrait to be."


Distributor : Halolalune productions
DVD Editing : CBA (Centre Bruxellois de l'Audiovisuel)
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2017 - Festival de Films de Femmes "Elles Tournent", Bruxelles (Belgique) : Sélection