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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2007 Africa Une affaire de nègres

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Une affaire de nègres
Osvalde Lewat
2006 - France - Couleur - 90'

March 20, 2000, a decree by the President of the Republic of Cameroon set up an Operational Command Unit to tackle rampant banditry in the Douala region. The Unit introduced what amounted to round-ups: one thousand and six hundred people in one year disappeared or were killed. One year after, nine young men disapeared. The matter was submitted to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. The accused were found guilty of "failure to follow orders" and released but legal proceedings have not come to an end. The families of victims have to live between the desire for justice and the pressure for the crimes to be wiped forever from the collective memory.

Photography : Philippe Radoux-Bazzini, Edimo Dikobo
Sound : Antoine Mbesse, Edimo Dikobo
Editing : Danielle Anezin
Production : AMIP
Distribution : Doc & Co (doc@doc-co.com, +33 (0)1 42 77 56 87)