SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - A Place for Everyone
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Viewing Experiences A Place for Everyone

A Place for Everyone
Angelos Rallis, Hans Ulrich Gössl
2014 - Belgique - Couleur - 60'

A Place for Everyone explores the human geography of a Rwandan village two decades after the genocide. Survivors and killers still live next to each other and a new generation of young Rwandans has grown up in a society that undergoes a fragile reconciliation process. Filmed over the course of more than four years, A Place for Everyone portrays a generation of young Rwandans in their quest for love and hate, revenge and forgiveness.

Photography : Angelos Rallis
Sound : Marie Paulus
Editing : Matthias Forster
Production : AJC (Atelier Jeunes Cinéastes)
(distribution@ajcnet.be, +32 2 534 45 23)