SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Toi et tes camarades
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2018 Doc History: German Democratic Republic Toi et tes camarades

Toi et tes camarades ( Du und mancher Kamerad )
Andrew Thorndike, Annelie Thorndike
1956 - RDA - Noir & Blanc - 104'

A compilation film about the history of twentieth-century Germany from an East-German ideological perspective, focusing on the causes and political background of both World Wars. The Thorndikes connect Imperial Germany, the Weimar Republic, and the Third Reich to the government of West Germany at the time.

Photography : Ernst Kunstmann, Vera Kunstmann, Waldemar Ruge, Kurt Stanke
Sound : Georg Gutschmidt, Günter Lambert, Rolf Rolke, Kurt Wolfram
Editing : Ella Ulrich
Production : DEFA-Studio für Dokumentarfilme