Les États généraux du film documentaire 2007 Doc Route: Finland Spring

Spring ( Kevät )
Susanna Helke, Virpi Suutari
2006 - Finlande - Couleur - 16'

A school day ends and the scruffy fatigue of the last school weeks of spring is unleashed by restless wandering in the woods, stump lands and shopping malls of the suburbs. Young boys are full of anarchy and frenzy. They walk like termites in the scenery divided by ring roads taking with them everything they can. The film stars twelve and thirteen year old boys and a few same-aged girls who live in a Northern Helsinki suburb. The film depicts the basic state of childhood of our time: restlessness.

Photography : Heikki Färm
Sound : Anne Tolkkinen
Editing : Susanna Helke, Virpi Suutari
Production : Kinotar Oy
Distribution : Finnish Film Foundation (marja.pallassalo@ses.fi, +358 9 6220 3021)