SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Beneath Our Feet
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Tënk! Beneath Our Feet

Beneath Our Feet
Alexis Jacquand
2013 - France - Couleur - 82'

“With focused gestures and a worried face, Jean-Marie walks quickly. I follow him. He experiences his work fervently, next to his ewes, with their resistance and their docility. From the sheepcot to the alpine pastures, a difficult trajectory with first times, gratifications and incertitudes, but with the assurance given by a biodynamic farming practice which reassures him and where intangible energies awake. Right beneath our feet.”

Photography : Alexis Jacquand
Sound : Jean-Baptiste Fribourg
Editing : Laureline Delom
Production : L'Image d'après, À vif cinémas
(damienmonn@gmail.com, +33 (0)6 82 09 65 50)