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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2017 Docmonde Remake of a Summer

Remake of a Summer
Magali Bragard, Séverine Enjolras
2016 - France - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 96'

One summertime, in Paris and its suburbs, two young women filmmakers attempt a remake of Chronicle of a Summer, fifty years after the cult film by Jean Rouch and Edgar Morin. Through their characters, who mingle questions covering the intimate and the political, a portrait of our society mirroring that of the sixties emerges.

Photography : Matthieu Agius, Wilfried Jude, David Kremer, Magali Bragard, Thomas Brémond, Blaise Othnin-Girard, Séverine Enjolras
Sound : Thouément Malo, Matthieu Autin, Bertrand Larrieu, Ludivine Pelé
Editing : Céline Ducreux, Magali Bragard, Thomas Laufer
Production : Survivance