SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Rendala, the Mikea
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Tënk! Rendala, the Mikea

Rendala, the Mikea ( Rendala, le Mikea )
Alain Rakotoarisoa
2015 - France - Couleur - 62'

In the south-west of Madagascar lies a great dry forest. For centuries, the Mikeas lived there peacefully, out of hunting and food-gathering. For the sake of the forest, strongly encouraged by an environmental protection program, Rendala left his birth place and the rest of his community for the little village of Andravitsazo, a few kilometers away, attracted by the modern world and the promise of a brighter future. Five years later, he only found bitterness. Where are the water, medical center and school he had come for? What will he do next?

Photography : Alain Rakotoarisoa
Sound : Lanto Tiana Rabearison (Bemaso)
Editing : Sophie Réthoré
Production : Vie des hauts production, Endemika films