SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Nous, princesses de Clèves
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2011 An history of production: Nord-Ouest - Les Films du Tambour de Soie Nous, princesses de Clèves

Nous, princesses de Clèves
Régis Sauder
2010 - France - Couleur - 69'

The story takes place in 1558 at the court of Henri II. Mademoiselle de Chartres, who became the Princess of Cleves after her marriage, meets the Duc de Nemours. Between them it is love at first sight to which her mother implores her to renounce. Today in Marseille, the students of Lycée Diderot use La Princesse de Clèves to talk about themselves, their feelings of love and thoughts on society, religion, school and family rules... At the age of seventeen, love is passionate, feelings are hidden, confessed. It is the age of the first choices and first renunciations. This documentary was first produced with a modest television based budget but lived a second life through theatrical distribution last March.

Photography : Régis Sauder
Sound : Alain Mathieu
Editing : Florent Mangeot
Production : Nord-Ouest documentaires, RFO
Distribution : Nord-Ouest documentaires (llujan@nord-ouest.fr, +33 (0)1 53 20 42 78)