SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Hustlers
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Tënk! The Hustlers

The Hustlers
Egome Amah
2013 - France/Bénin - Couleur - 53'

Ekoué, Léon, Blacky and Zorro live in the Lomé shanty town known as Katanga, the place where most part of the local fishermen dwell. Always looking for a deal to strike and the cheapest bargain, they spend most of their time together. Known to the other residents of Katanga as the “hustlers”, they are always ready to take whatever job shows up. Even if it is an illegal one.

Photography : Anicet Bayamina
Sound : Egome Amah
Editing : Cécile Martinaud
Production : La Maison du directeur, Merveilles Productions
(sidonie.garnier@lamaisondudirecteur.com, +33 (0)6 09 79 74 08)