SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Les Conti gonflés à bloc
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2011 Viewing Experiences Les Conti gonflés à bloc

Les Conti gonflés à bloc
Philippe Clatot
2010 - France - Couleur - 130'

On March 11, 2009, the one thousand hundred twenty employees of the Continental tyre plant at Clairoix, Oise, learned through the media that their factory was to close in 2010, in spite of the fact that an agreement had been signed in 2007 whereby employees gave up their right to a thirty-five hour work-week in exchange for the guarantee that activity would be maintained until 2012... Stunned by the shock, the entire staff — soon to be dubbed the "Conti" — met in General Assembly and set up an Action Committee to organise and coordinate their resistance. The goal was to make their demands heard by the German management of the group and the French state.

Author : Philippe Clatot, Marc Gossard
Photography : Philippe Clatot
Sound : Marc Gossard
Editing : Philippe Clatot, Franck Lepagnol
Production : Les Filmeurs Production
Distribution : Les Filmeurs Production (lesclatotbernard@wanadoo.fr, +33 (0)6 01 79 35 79)