SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - A Time for Forgiving
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 Uncertain Viewpoints A Time for Forgiving

A Time for Forgiving
Dominique Marchais
2009 - France - Couleur - 135'

A documentary investigation of the world of French agriculture today, through various testimonials: farmers, researchers, government employees, writers. A world that manages to resist the upheavals that it faces — economic, scientific, social — and which continues, for better or for worse, to maintain the link between generations. A world at the center of major questions about the future.

Photography : Sébastien Buchmann, Olivier Jaquin
Sound : Camille Lotteau, Pierre Bompy
Editing : Olivier Garouste, Jean-Christophe Hym
Production : Capricci Films (contact@capricci.fr, +33 (0)2 40 89 20 59)
Distribution : Capricci Films (contact@capricci.fr, +33 (0)2 40 89 20 59)