SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - The Machine Gun Woman
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 Uncertain Viewpoints The Machine Gun Woman

The Machine Gun Woman ( La Mujer Metralleta )
Francisco Lopez Ballo
2009 - Chili/France - Couleur - 76'

A portrait of Marcela Rodriguez, a woman whose destiny was brutally altered by the Chilean dictatorship. At the end of the eighties, as Chile began the transition to democracy, she became a hero of the people because of her action in favour of the poorest carried out within a far left political group.

Photography : Jorge Aguilar
Sound : Martin Lopez Ballo
Editing : Thomas Fernandez, Francisco Lopez Ballo
Production : Micromega, Ballover Films
Distribution : Ballover Films (balloverfilms@yahoo.fr, +33 (0)6 46 10 28 20)