SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - A Sense of Place
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2018 Story of a production: Les Films de la pluie A Sense of Place

A Sense of Place
Stéphane Manchematin, Serge Steyer
2018 - France - Couleur - 91'

“I live in a world of sounds” is how Marc summarizes his existential quest. This passion inherited from his father has led him to put down roots on the edge of a forest in the Vosges mountains, and start a family.

Photography : Gautier Gumpper, Philippe Viladecas
Sound : Stéphane Manchematin
Editing : Stéphane Manchematin
Production : Les Films de la pluie, Ana films
Distribution : DHR Distribution (philippe.elusse@gmail.com)