SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Klinkaart
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2013 Doc History: Belgium Klinkaart

Paul Meyer
1957 - Belgique - Noir & Blanc - 22'

This short film is a documentary-style fiction, adapted from a short story by Piet Van Aken and shot with actors recruited among the men and women workers of the brick factories at Rupel. We are in the closing years of the nineteenth century. A thirteen year old girl is going to work for the first time. Her father, her sister know the tough life of brick-making. The daily hours are unending and the work conditions atrocious. Even though she is already aware that her feeble strength will be hard pressed, the girl ignores the essence of what she will have to give up. And her sister doesn't dare reveal the truth.

Distribution : Cinémathèque royale de Belgique (access@cinematek.be, +32 (0)2 551 19 03)