SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Jeunes, militants et sarkozystes
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2009 Political Views of Documentary Jeunes, militants et sarkozystes

Jeunes, militants et sarkozystes
Collectif Othon
2008 - France - Couleur - 110'

What is political discourse? What is a militant phrase? What change does it make to see a militant in the effort of speech, challenged to clarify his thoughts and the values which underlie them? In the combative follow-up to the last presidential elections, these questions gave form to a film. The method: question UMP militants who are more or less the same age as the members of the film crew and film eight confrontations. The dialogue proved laborious in the literal sense of the word: the questions were turned in all possible ways (work, merit, France...). The film aims to show the questioning by a collective of the left of young right wing French youth.

Photography : Collectif Othon
Sound : Collectif Othon
Editing : Collectif Othon
Production : Collectif Othon (collectifothon@free.fr, +33 (0)6 74 33 35 54)
Distribution : Collectif Othon (collectifothon@free.fr, +33 (0)6 74 33 35 54)