SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Isola di Varano
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Doc History: Italy Isola di Varano

Isola di Varano ( Île de Varano )
Carlo Di Carlo
1962 - Italie - Couleur - 9'

The life of a fishing community in Apulia recounted in highly elaborate film language. The concrete music renders almost inhabitable and abstract an abandoned, poverty struck landscape and the dialect becomes a pure signifier, void of all populism. The political sadness assailing us is further reinforced by the visual rhythm of the images, light and colour, desaturated to attain a kind of naked and whitened essentiality.

Photography : Claudio Racca
Editing : Renato May
Production : Enzo Nasso
(andrea.meneghelli@cineteca.bologna.it, +39 051 60 18 60)