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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2008 Uncertain viewpoints Iddu, l'atelier de Jean-Michel Fauquet

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Iddu, l'atelier de Jean-Michel Fauquet
Henry Colomer
2008 - France - Couleur - 53'

From February to October of 2007, Henry Colomer filmed Jean-Michel Fauquet at work in his studio. Iddu is a portrait in motion closely following the gestures, questions, and choices of a photographer who is accessible, uncompromising in his artistic integrity, and strangely familiar to each of us due to the way his work stimulates our imaginations and memories.

Author : Henry Colomer
Photography : Henry Colomer
Sound : Jocelyn Staderoli
Editing : Stéphane Foucault
Production : Tarmak Films, Moviala Films
Distribution : Tarmak Films (tarmak.prod@wanadoo.fr, +33 (0)2 31 47 55 32)