SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Frères et Soeurs
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2018 Doc History: German Democratic Republic Frères et Soeurs

Frères et Soeurs ( Brüder und Schwestern )
Walter Heynowski
1963 - RDA - Noir & Blanc - 39'

This documentary confronts the demagoguery of the West-German rhetoric of “brothers and sisters behind the Wall”. The film aimed to represent the Federal Republic as a country of social contradictions, where increasing poverty and excessively high rents contributed to the exploitation of workers.

Photography : Horst Donth, Hans-Eberhard Leupold, Gerhard Münch
Sound : Hans-Jürgen Mittag
Editing : Inge Dochow, Bärbel Lehmann
Production : DEFA-Studio für Dokumentarfilme