SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Feldobott kő (La Pierre lancée)
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Fragment of a filmmaker's work: Sándor Sára Feldobott kő (La Pierre lancée)

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Feldobott kő (La Pierre lancée)
Sándor Sára
1968 - Hongrie - Noir & Blanc - 84'

This partly autobiographical documentary-based fiction film recounts the establishment of the Popular Republic of Hungary and the violence of its contradictions through the moral education of a young man. In the spirit of the “new cinema” that emerged in Eastern Europe, this historical and critical film was blocked by the censors for a year and then had its ending changed because it was too “pessimistic”. As he follows the wanderings and disillusionment of his protagonist, Sándor Sára relates the violence carried out by the Soviets on a group of Gypsies. In this way he prolongs the question at the start of the film: “How can we forget these faces?”

Author : Sándor Sára, Sándor Csoóri, Ferenc Kósa
Photography : Sándor Sára
Sound : György Pintér
Editing : Mihály Morell
Music : András Szöllősy
Interpretation : Lajos Balázsovits, Kazassian Nagyezsda, Todor Todorov, Berek Kati, János Pásztor, Jószef Bihari, Tibor Molnár, Lajos Őze, Ferenc Némethy, István Iglódi, Jószef Madaras, Teri Horváth, János Görbe
Production : Mafilm Budapest (Stúdió 3)
(szorenyi.dorottya@mandarchiv.hu, +36 13 94 13 22 143)