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Les États généraux du film documentaire 2013 Sacem Day Fay ce que vouldras

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Fay ce que vouldras
Stéphane Sinde
2012 - France - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - 60'

"A musician from an early age, Jacques Thollot marked the history of improvised music in France. Today, after a long silence, he must prepare a new album produced by Jean Rochard. I am chosen to make a film based on this creative work but nothing happens. Thollot is not ready. Fed up with waiting, I decide to go to his place to provoke him. Thus begins an attempt, a little deviant, to sketch a portrait with him, or in spite of him." (Stéphane Sinde)

Photography : Chloé Blondeau
Sound : Julien Brossier
Editing : Justine Hiriart
Production : Atopic (atopic@atopic.fr, +33 (0)1 44 83 97 85)