SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Comacchio
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2014 Doc History: Italy Comacchio

Fernando Cerchio
1942 - Italie - Noir & Blanc - 21'

The city of Comacchio on the Po delta lives off the fishing and preparation of eels that thrive in the mouth of the great river. Fernando Cerchio constructs an elegant visual symphony on reflections of light on water and the power of men facing the elements. He portrays the poverty stricken life of fishermen with great beauty, in a style inspired by the films of Flaherty and the Soviets. The misery of the world is transcended by a formalism which already announces neorealism.

Photography : Mario Damicelli
Editing : Fernando Cerchio
Music : Giovanni Fusco
Production : Istituto Luce
(juan.delvalle@fondazionecsc.it, +39 06 72 29 43 15)