SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Au bord du chenal
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2017 Fragment of a filmmaker’s work: Peter Nestler Au bord du chenal

Au bord du chenal ( Am Siel )
Peter Nestler
1962 - RFA - Noir & Blanc - 13'

A channel recounts its history in the first person thanks to a magnificent text by Robert Wolfgang Schnell, read by the author, while the images establish the topography of the social and economic history of a small village. Right from his first film, Nestler found a poetic synthesis between a concern for nature and art, an interest for work as a human and collective activity, and a critical description of economic and social relations and transformations.

Photography : Peter Nestler, Kurt Ulrich
Editing : Peter Nestler, en collaboration avec Kurt Ulrich
Production : Peter Nestler