SQL Error ARDECHE IMAGES - Under the Shadow of the Cross
Les États généraux du film documentaire 2015 Doc Route: Spain Under the Shadow of the Cross

Under the Shadow of the Cross ( All’ombra della croce )
Alessandro Pugno
2012 - Italie/Espagne - Couleur - 73'

Not far from Madrid there is the Valle de los Caídos (Valley of the Fallen). This site is still today the symbol of an unresolved conflict within Spanish society: under the cross lie thirty-five thousand victims of the Spanish Civil War, while approximately fifty children study in the nearby boarding school. They receive an education that desperately tries to resist the drift towards secularism and scientism of contemporary Spain and global society.

Photography : Leif Karpe
Sound : Filippo Restelli, Diego Cardoso
Editing : Enrico Giovannone
Production : Invisible Film, Zebra Producciones, Papavero Films