Paul Filippi
2019 - 52 min - Video Full HD - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - France

When Carl Dreyer gave Renée Falconetti the title role of "La Passion de Jeanne d’Arc", she became an icon. In front of his camera, the star of the boulevard melted into her character, and even got lost in it. A dazzling imprint that overshadowed the rest of her history and her life as a woman.

Author-Director : Paul Filippi
Photography : Vincent Courtonne, Nathalie Descamps
Sound : Christian Vignal, Denis Maignan
Editing : Véronique Buresi
Original Music : Martin Schvartzqppel
Delegate Producer : France 3 Corse Via Stella


Distributor : France 3 Corse Via Stella