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Éthiopie : les Rastas de Shashamene Série-Collection : Découvertes

Frédéric Tonolli
1994 - 12 min - Couleur - France

In the heart of Ethiopia, on the road to the South, the seven lakes road, there is a crossroads city, Shashamene. At the end of the city, hidden from foreign looks, Rasta men have settled down their community.
Arrived thirty years ago from far away Jamaica, they are about two hundred people to live in this corner of paradise. In 1930, Ras Tafaari Makonen is crowned Emperor under the mane of Haïllé Sélassié. Jamaicans, these children of black slaves see him as their saviour, they create a religion, Rastafarian religion, and advocate the return to Ethiopia near the city of Shashamene.
They still live there, in the middle of Ganja smoke and reggae music.

Author-Director : Frédéric Tonolli
Delegate Producer : Point du Jour
Broadcasting Co-producer : France 3


Distributor : Zed distribution