Éloge de la boîte à chaussures
Vianney Lambert
2017 - 9 min - Video Full HD - Couleur - France

I found very long ago in a second-hand trade a box of photos and waste papers. Nobody anymore was interested in these photos taken in Algiers during year 1942. Yesterday, again I wanted to search this box. I found a strange card there…

Author-Director : Vianney Lambert
Author : Vianney Lambert
Photography : Vianney Lambert
Sound : Vianney Lambert
Editing : Vianney Lambert
Original Music : Vianney Lambert
Delegate Producer : Cent Soleils
Broadcasting Co-producer : Sans canal fixe (SCF)
Broadcasting Co-producer : BIP TV (Berry Issoudun Première Télévision)
Contribution : Région Centre-Val de Loire, CNC. COSIP
Crowdfunding : Ulule


Distributor : Cent Soleils, Sans canal fixe (SCF)


2018 - Les Rencontres de Laignes, Laignes (France) : Sélection