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Changements d'état Série-Collection : Le Petit Théâtre de la science

Claude Guillemot
1997 - 26 min - Betacam - Couleur - France

Introduced by a brief on the definition of the following terms : heat, temperature, boiling and evaporation, three experiments, on live, are carried out to explain the various states of the matter : solid, liquid and gaseous and to show the changes from one state to another.

Author-Director : Claude Guillemot
Scientific Advisor : Gérard Rumebe, Michèle Bredimas
Delegate Producer : SFRS (Service du Film de recherche scientifique)
Co-producer : Université Paris VI
Co-producer : Palais de la découverte


Distributor : SFRS (Service du Film de recherche scientifique)
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