This Is Not A Carpet
Najoua Ferreol
2019 - 52 min - Vidéo Full HD - Couleur - France

Together, they are a group of weavers, but first, they are a team of united women. Originated from Oudref, a remote village in Southern Tunisia, they look for solutions to finally feel emancipated in an over globalized world.
Mabrouka and Aïcha are the oldest, Inès and Amira the youngest, but for them age doesn’t matter: these women all work and support each other, sharing the same daily struggles and unconditional love for carpet weaving. Keeping it in the heart of their lives is far from easy, but they do their best to give it back its past glory and make it a part of our modern times.

Author-Director : Najoua Ferreol
Photography : Mathilde Blesch
Sound : Xavier Flamant
Editing : Olivier Klein
Delegate Producer : Screen Dream


Distributor : Screen Dream