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Casanayda !
Farida Benlyazid, Abderrahim Mettour
2007 - 52 min - DV Cam - Couleur - Maroc

This documentary wants to show the cultural and societal turmoil of Morocco at the beginning of the third millenium; it was first labelled “movida” in the national and international press, but recently took the name of “Nayda”. The movement has progressively grown since the end of the 90's, from an alternative culture coming from the underground world to the public scene. It is led by young Moroccans who have decided to take things in hand without waiting for any official help, and to lead large-scale cultural actions.
2003 is the key-year which marks the emergence of this movement: "14 young musicians are accused of satanism and May 16th: the suicide bombings in Casablanca. These 2 dramatic envents have made people realize that a form of collective answer were possible.
Beyond the new Moroccan music scene and the independent Festival L’Boulevard, the cultural movement spreads to the media, Internet, fashion, and even to language. Casanayda ! follows representative young actors of the Moroccan cultural life in their successes as well as in their failures.

Author-Director : Farida Benlyazid, Abderrahim Mettour
Author : Dominique Caubet
Delegate Producer : Sigma Technologies
Broadcasting Sale : 2M (Casablanca)


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