Belfast, my Love
Yves Jeanneau
2000 - 90 min - Vidéo - France, Irlande

A film about the last 30 years war in Europe. A personal film about repressed memories, nightmares and now dreams of peace and possible future. In August 1969 filmmaker Lawrence Pitkehly was a young BBC journalist filming in protestant and catholic communities and with the British army as it occupied Northern Ireland. In this film he returns to the same streets an original cast of characters, capturing their stories across thirty years. They were children then, refugees, IRA recruits, Protestant politicians, priest, clergymen, people of Belfast. A film mirrors – 1969/1999. What was changed ? Can modern European City be reborn out of bitterness ? Filmed over 9 months, "Belfast my love" paints a unique portrait of a society hoping to heal its scars and 300 years of hatred.

Author-Director : Yves Jeanneau
Author : Lawrence Pitkethly
Delegate Producer : Les Films d'ici
Co-producer : Vinegar Hill Production
Co-producer : Digimage
Broadcasting Co-producer : La Sept ARTE
Broadcasting Co-producer : RTE (Irlande)


Distributor : Les Films d'ici
TV Rights : ARTE France Distribution