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Les Enfants du tonnerre
Marta Rodriguez, Lucas Silva
1998 - 52 min - Betacam SP - Couleur et Noir & Blanc - France, Colombie

In June 1994, the volcano of Sierra del Huila in the Tierradentre region, erupted destroying all the surrounding villages. For the Indians, it represented the punishment of Mother Earth for cultivating poppy.
The Columbian government took advantage of the earthquake in 1994 to deport the Indians to the deserted region of Cauca. Settled into refugee camps, all political action was crushed, cultural identity shattered, family structure eroded, and youth disoriented.
This film traces the history of these communities. It follows their struggle for political autonomy and the recognition of their culture inside a country ravaged by social problems and armed conflict with drug traffickers and guerrilla warfare.


Distributor : La Huit Production
Not commercial Distribution : Images de la culture (CNC)
Circulation-Consultation : BnF (Bibliothèque nationale de France). Département de l'Audiovisuel
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