Africadoc Abou et les étoiles du Mandé
Abou et les étoiles du Mandé
Jérémie Reichenbach
2008 - 52 min - DV Cam - France

Every year, Abou Kouyaté, known as “The General of sound” comes back to Mali, his native country, seeking for new musicians to be produced. The General travels all over Mali looking for the perfect gem, armed with his laptop and a set of micros. However, it is not easy all the time, in addition with financial issue that has to be solved with artists who do not have a clear idea on copyright, the General has to make traditional musicians understand the amount of work needed for a multiple track recording, which sometimes give birth to funny and comical situations. Nevertheless, Abou believes in what he does and reaches his dream: releasing cassettes of “his artists” in Mali and France. Real medley of Malian cultures, this film recounts the quest of this modern "griot" and, through this travel, questions the roles traditional and modern music have in Malian society.

Author-Director : Jérémie Reichenbach
Editing : Isabelle Feder
Delegate Producer : Hibou production
Broadcasting Co-producer : France Ô
Contribution : Procirep, CNC


Distributor : Hibou production
Not commercial Distribution : ADAV
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