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À la recherche de F. comme Mouna
Jean-Paul Lebesson
1997 - 38 min - Betacam SP - Couleur - France

In 1993, Mouna, Anissa her sister and two other girls of Tunisian origin set up the dance company "Icilaba". After two shows, when their work was beginning to be noticed by the public and the professionals, during a holiday visit, their father detained Mouna and her sisters in Tunisia. Samia, the eldest, managed to escape and got back to France. She took up her studies again and reformed the company. She then created "F. comme Mouna, paroles de femmes" a show that gives voice to Mouna and all the other women who cannot live their lives as they would choose. Some months later, this show was invited to a festival... in Tunisia. An unexpected chance for Samia to see her sisters again and to try to re-establish a dialogue with her father...

Author-Director : Jean-Paul Lebesson
Delegate Producer : C Productions Chromatiques
Co-producer : Cargo production
Broadcasting Co-producer : Cités télévision
Broadcasting Sale : M6
Contribution : CNC


Distributor : C Productions Chromatiques
Circulation-Consultation : Musée national de l'Histoire de l'immigration
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