Catalogue des films de « Yoanne Rey »

3 films
Son | France | 2019

Ce court métrage associe films d'archives et création graphique pour proposer une plongée dans l'architecture de la base spatiale d’Hammaguir. Pour les besoins d'une enquête, une ancienne employée tente de remonter le fil de ses souvenirs....

Le Syndrome Fitzcarraldo
Son | Suisse | 2017

In a fantasized Amazonian jungle, an old man tells us a story with birds. The tale, taken up by the director, leads us to the depths of a wild jungle. It will eventually take us to a place where the worlds meets and will question ourself about...

6129 m2
Son | Suisse | 2017

It’s the story of a house made of a thousand other houses, in which the lmmaker’s father will never live, except in her imagination. The complicit encounter between lmmakers and housebuilders, a narrative of their desires for spaces to build...