Catalogue des films de « Witold Stok-Stokowiec »

10 films
Pas de photo disponible pour le moment Le Toucher
Image | Pologne | 1978

In the late 1970th famous faith healer Clive Harris started to visit Poland. His healing séances were held in churches and attracted thousands. Harris was aided by people organized spontaneously and informal assistance committees.

Image | Pologne | 1978

It's the day of the final oral exam in history and social studies at one of Warsaw's high schools. The exam consists of reciting the textbook-learned ideological formulas that are defunct both to students and teachers. Marcel Lozinski's...

Ce grand petit monde
Image | Pologne | 1977

A whimsical and self-reflexive work about the making of a film on the brilliant satirical cartoonist Andrzej Mleczko. Titkow films himself discussing with Mleczko: can a documentary film represent a paper world? Is there any difference between a...

Le Point de vue d'un gardien de nuit
Image | Pologne | 1977

The hero of the film is a right watchman who possess a considerable professional experience. This night watchman is a fanatic of disicpline at work and in life. "The regulation is more important than the man" say the watchman.

Le Menuisier
Auteur | Pologne | 1976

This is the authentic biography of an old Polish carpenter, whose perception of his real surrounding is to be seen, but at the same time his fantasies are shown.

Collision frontale
Image | Pologne | 1975

A railroad engine-man, about to retire, is singled out as an example to the young, and is due to be presented with a retiring gift at a ceremony. The life is hard, however, and being overtired, he causes a crash – the ceremony is cancelled.

Happy End
Image | Pologne | 1973

Un jeune ingénieur honnête révèle la vérité qui se cache derrière les prétendus succès de son usine. D’abord en butte aux critiques et au harcèlement, il est finalement accusé de crimes politiques. Bien que n’ayant pas été...

The Story of A Man Who Filled 552% of The Quota
Image | Pologne | 1973

This is the first of the five short films, which are quintessential to Wiszniewski’s artist output. It’s protagonist, Bernard Budgol, is a miner and legendary leader of socialist labour in the 40s and 50s. Showing few signs of artistic...

Ne pleure pas
Image | Pologne | 1972

A group of friends saying their goodbyes before leaving for the war. Their last hours as civilians and conscripts: one last swim, and then off to the train platform and the trains that will take them to their units – an atmosphere of exaltation,...

Tomorrow, April 31 - May 1
Image | Pologne | 1970

The story of the next generation of workers - the so-called the unmoving youth who no longer shares their parents' ideals. There is no ethos of work in them - they only want a comfortable, easy life. Laziness, drunkenness, minor crimes - this is...

10 films