Catalogue des films de « Ventura Durall »

3 films
First Stratum
Auteur-Réalisateur | Espagne | 2018

Milos is about to start nursery school where he will spend the next two years. His father, filmmaker Ventura Durall, wonders how his personality will develop during that time and how much influence the experiences at nursery school will have on...

Auteur-Réalisateur | Espagne, Allemagne | 2014

Une prophétie maya avait annoncé la fin du monde pour le 21 décembre 2012. L’apocalypse ne devait épargner rien ni personne… exception faite du village de Bugarach, dans l’Aude. Soudain au centre de l’attention, le village fait soudain...

The Wild Years
Auteur-Réalisateur | Espagne | 2013

Three streetkids wander the streets of Addis Abeba. They try to survive by using their inventiveness, committing minor thefts and supporting each other solidly united. Homesickness, chance and necessity however make them venture a journey towards...