Catalogue des films de « Thomas Noël »

4 films
Montagne mauvaise
Son | Belgique | 2021

In the heart of the Pyrenees, hikers take the marked trails, cross the Ossoue glacier and reach the summit of the Vignemale before descending to the plain. Among them, two characters stay at altitude and try to live in the mountain.

Son | France | 2020

Trois cochons sont emmenés à l'abattoir par un homme. Une fois morts, l'homme et son fils charcutent leur chair et s'écharpent. Le petit fils les observe.

The Jungle Knows You Better Than You Do
Son | Belgique, Colombie | 2017

Colombia is a land of ghosts. Two siblings roam these landscapes in search of their dead father's spirit. Their journey takes them from Bogota to the Colombian jungle, through realms of thought and deep into their haunted dreams. Here they will...

Le Vaisseau d'or
Son | Belgique, Canada (Québec) | 2017

Winter 2016, Montreal. Father Jean-Eudes Fortin, priest, hears some bad news that arouses contradictory reactions in his community. In the midst of the storm, "The Ship of Gold" sketches the portrait of this tormented man.