Catalogue des films de « Sergio Henriquez Martinez »

5 films
Son | France | 2023

Kiev 2017-2022 I was in Ukraine in the spring of 2017 as part of an installation project. I took the opportunity as usual to film the city, situations, men, women and children. I archived these images. Today these images haunt me, I think of these...

Slams sous la lune
Son | France | 2018

La laïcité française n’a jamais été autant attaquée : des milliers d’enfants exposés aux dérives de l’islam se radicalisent. Ce film couvre une expérience qui s’est déroulée sur deux ans : des enfants issus de familles...

Y despues
Son | Chili, France | 2018

"Y despues" reconstructs, piece after piece, souvenir after souvenir, my identity torn between Chile and France, and unveils a family secret with a metaphorical sense for a country at grips with its own memory.

Son | France | 2015

Recounting the stories of several personal commitments, "Passeurs" outlines the key steps of an unprecedented mobilization, telling a story of AIDS which joins in with the wider field of social history. The story of a Mobilisation Today, more...

El Viaje de Ana
Son | Chili, France | 2014

The film relates a journey on the footsteps of an exile: not really that of Chilean poet Francisco Contreras, who lived in Paris at the turn of the 20th century, but rather that of his young French wife, Andrea, who made the trip backwards after...