Catalogue des films de « Romain Carcanade »

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6 films
Une vie sans mystère
Auteur-Réalisateur, Image, Montage | France | 2020

The night is so clear that the celestial vault seems almost palpable. The fire is not turned off yet. Some big white smokes curls still escape from the fire. An old man is about to gather the last braises before returning to his home. He is 100...

Paysage ordinaire
Image | France | 2019

Des bourgs, des champs, des églises, des talus et des haies, 35 kilomètres carré largement consacrés à l'élevage et aux cultures. 1958. Une famille de paysans en habits du dimanche face à l’objectif du photographe pour les noces d’or...

Hé les gars
Image | Maroc | 2019

This film is the result of a one year immersion with the Moroccan rap duo called Shayfeen. Started from the bottom, Shobee and Small X have managed to impose their raw lyrics in uniting millions of young people in a conservative country, where...

Parler des pas perdus
Image | France | 2015

What can we do with time passing when we are locked out? Thérèse, Bakhta and Sayda are forced to reinvent every day a way to fill those hours, pending 19h opening of the doors of the foster home for the night.

Six Faces d'une brique
Image | France | 2011

A man has restored part of the wall of the former Jewish ghetto in a courtyard in Warsaw. Neighbours and travellers pass through, live there, come and see. Tourists and local people walk before Damien Monnier’s camera. Some stop, tell stories,...

Après la gauche
Image | France | 2010

Qu'est-ce qu'être de gauche aujourd'hui?  "Après la gauche" tente de répondre à cette question unique et essentielle en interrogeant de grandes figures de la pensée contemporaine. Ceux-ci procèdent à un diagnostic sans complaisance de la...